среда, 20 марта 2019 г.

Week 10/11. London walk

Task 1

Find the sight!

Divide into 4 groups. Each group will be responsible for searching one of the sights of London, using Google Maps.
While one of the groups is describing the route to the indicated sight, all the others should guess what sight it is.

Good luck!

Group 1 – Please, explain the shortest way to the Tower of London, if you are at the Haggerson Park

Group 2 - Please, explain the shortest way to Big Ben, if you are at the Lincoln’s Inn

Group 3Please, explain the shortest way to the Buckingham Palace, if you are at the Royal Opera House

Group 4Please, explain the shortest way to the Hyde Park, if you are at the British Library 

Supporting vocabulary:

go along (the embankment)
идите вдоль (набережной)
go past (the school)
идите мимо (школы)
turn right/left = go right/left = take a right/left
поверните направо/налево
turn right/left at (the cinema)
поверните направо/налево у (кинотеатра)
turn right/left into (the main road)
поверните направо/налево на (главную дорогу)
go ahead = go straight ahead = go straight on
идите прямо
на другой стороне улицы, через дорогу от
on your right/left
справа/слева от Вас
first/second turning on the left/right
первый/второй поворот налево/направо
in front of
перед (напротив чего-то)

Task 2

Read the text (Синельникова М.В. «This is London», с. 179-181) and answer the following questions:

Where is the memorial to Queen Victoria situated?
Where and when does the ceremony of the Changing of the Guard take place?
Who built Buckingham Palace?
How did the palace come into royal possession?
Who was the first monarch to live here after remodeling?
Why was the gate bodily transported from its previous place?
What parts of the palace are open to public?
What can you see in the Royal Mews?
Task 3

Watch the video about Big Ben.

Task 4

Listen to the text about Big Ben and fill in the gaps:

Supporting vocabulary to listening:

Bodily – целиком
Flagpole – флагшток
Gateway – ворота, вход
Knighthood – рыцарское звание
Landau – ландо (карета)
Lavish – щедрый, обильный
Mulberry tree – тутовое дерево, шелковица
Purchase – приобретать
Royal Household – (королевский) двор
Solemnity – торжественность
State coach – парадная карета
Superb – превосходный, великолепный

                                        Take residenceпоселиться
Task 5

Read the text about the Tower of London and match the headings with the necessary paragraph.
Supporting vocabulary:
Fortress – крепость
Conqueror – завоеватель
Execution – казнь
To behead – обезглавить, отрубить голову
To release – отпустить, выпустить
 Except for – кроме
Of great interest – представлять большой интерес
To assign – назначить, определить
                                   Gloomy - мрачный

Task 7
Divide into 4 groups and start making the Power Point Presentation about one of the London sights.
You will have to demonstrate your presentation to the class next week.

    Group 1 – Westminster Abbey

    Group 2 – St Paul’s Cathedral

      Group 3 – Trafalgar Square

       Group 4 – Piccadilly Circus

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The course description

This course has a scientific and cognitive orientation and is a version of the program for organizing extracurricular activities of school...