четверг, 21 марта 2019 г.

Week 22/23. Museums of Great Britain

Task 1

Let's discuss!

What is a museum? Who works there?
Do you like going to museums? 

Do you visit them often?
Do you have a favorite museum?

Task 2

Watch the video and answer the following questions:

Who is Rebecca Holmes by profession?
What do her duties include?
What is Rebecca’s favorite thing about Madame Tussaud’s museum?
What are 3 special features about the museum that Rebecca points out?
What figures and attractions of the Museum does Rebecca highlight?
What part of London does Rebecca call her favorite?
What one thing can Rebecca see in London again and again and be amazed every time?

Task 3

Read the text and answer the following questions:

1. Who was Hans Sloane?
2. Why were visitors amazed by his collection?
3. What is the British Museum today?
4. What does every exhibit reveal?
5. What is the secret of Chinese dragons?
       6. What were dragons thought of?
7. What were coins made of in the past?
8. How many coins are there in the museum?

Supporting vocabulary to the text:

amaze – изумлять, поражать                       ancient –древний, старинный
fill –наполнять                                             Hans Sloane – Ганс Слоун
plenty of – множество                                 marvelous – изумительный
       treasure– сокровище                            remain –останки
       reveal – показывать                                           skill – мастерство
porcelain -  глина                                                 stone –камень
creature – существо                                            commemorate – тмечать
to be worth – стоить                                            value – ценить
altogether – в общем

Task 4

Entitle each paragraph of the text

Task 5

In pairs find the information and prepare a report about one of the following museums in Great Britain. Find some interesting facts and present them to your classmates. You will have 5 minutes to speak. Get ready to answer the questions!

Hunterian Museum (Glasgow)

Ulster Museum (Belfast)

National Museum Wales (Cardiff)

Natural History Museum (London)

 Science Museum (London)

Sherlock Holmes Museum (London)

                                                   Shakespeare’s Birthplace (Stratford-upon-Avon)

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The course description

This course has a scientific and cognitive orientation and is a version of the program for organizing extracurricular activities of school...