четверг, 21 марта 2019 г.

Week 15. British food and drinks

Task 1

Let's discuss!

Read the following quotations. How can you explain them?

«On the Continent people have good food; in England people have good table manners» (George Mikes, humorist and Hungarian emigre to Britain)

«You can’t trust people who cook as badly as that». (Jacques Chirac, President of France 1995 - 2007)

Have you ever tried British food?

What do you think is the common stereotype about British food in the world?

Task 2

Read and translate the text (James Driscoll «Britain for learners of English», p. 183-187)

Supporting vocabulary to the text:

To exemplifyслужить примером

Commonly associatedобычно ассоциируется

Complaint – жалоба

Bland – мягкая (еда)

To sample – пробовать

To involve – включать

Roasting – обжаривание

Scale – масштаб

To arrange – организовать

Partial excuse – частичное оправдание

British cuisineбританская кухня

Widespreadшироко распространен

To eat up quickly – быстро перекусить

Comparatively – относительно

Expectations – ожидания

Instant coffee – растворимый кофе

Frequently – часто

To be aware of – быть в курсе

A public outcryобщественный протест


To oblige – обязывать

To be enraged – быть в ярости


Ultimatelyв конечном счете

Deliberately – сознательно

Soft-boiled eggs – яйца всмятку

To insist onнастаивать на


Thereforeтаким образом

Significant – важный

Eventually – в конце концов

Attitudes – отношение

Increasing interest – возрастающий интерес

Takeaway meals – еда на вынос

Task 3

Answer the following questions after the text:

How would you say British food is different from food in Russia?

Why do British people prefer to eat food from other countries when they go out?

Task 4
Watch the video and try to retell the described process of making the tea

Task 5

Put the words in the blanks in the correct form

Task 6

Watch the video and highlight the main manners of British people according to the speaker

Supporting vocabulary to the video:

To be considered good manners – считается хорошими манерами
To involve – включать
Slightly – слегка
Rude – грубый
To be expected to do something – когда от вас ожидают что-л. сделать
To queue (to get in line, am.) – стоять в очереди
To push in – засунуть, втолкнуть
To upset – расстроить
To spit – плевать
To cough – кашлять
To sneeze – чихать
To overuse – чрезмерно употреблять
To bump into – врезаться в
To interrupt – прервать
To annoyраздражать

Task 7

Work in pairs. Fill in the table, comparing the manners of Russian and British people. Make conclusions. Share them with another pairs.

Top 5 English manners
Top 5 Russian manners

Task 8

Make up a dialogue, where one of you is playing a waiter and the other one is ordering English breakfast and asking for recommendations. Be creative!

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This course has a scientific and cognitive orientation and is a version of the program for organizing extracurricular activities of school...