четверг, 21 марта 2019 г.

Week 16. British holidays

Task 1

Let's discuss!

What holidays do people celebrate in our country?
What is your favorite holiday?
What British holidays do you know?

Task 2

Match the holidays with the dates and their content.

Task 3

Read the text and choose the right option for each sentence in the exercise after the text - here

Supporting vocabulary to the text:

To reflectотражать

Moveable – движимый

Religious significance – религиозное значение

Gradually- постепенно

Occasion – случай

Resurrection – воскрешение

To dress upпереодеваться

Task 4

Listen to the conversation about Rose and Jack, planning their holidays.

Task 5

After listening, decide, whether the sentences are true or false

Task 6

Watch the video and answer the following questions:

Who is Tyler?
Where is he from?
What was the life plan of his parents after his sister’s graduation?
Did the plan become real?
What was Tyler doing in Madrid?
Was he alone?
Where did he go after Madrid?
How did he spend his Christmas?

Supporting vocabulary to the video:

Reminiscent – напоминающий

Have to do with – иметь дело с

Long story short – короче

Renovate – ремонтировать


To pickвыбирать


Thats sick«круто»

To attempt toпытаться что-л. делать

Valid licenseдействующая лицензия

Chocolate bar – плитка шоколада

To scratch – вычеркнуть


Citywideв масштабах города

To sacrificeприносить в жертву

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The course description

This course has a scientific and cognitive orientation and is a version of the program for organizing extracurricular activities of school...