Let's discuss!
What is a stereotype?
Do you know any stereotypes about the British?
What do they like to
Which stereotype do you find the most amazing?
Which stereotype do you find the strongest? the silliest? the most
widely spread in the world?
Task 2
Watch the video "What are the British like?" and list the descriptive adjectives, concerning British character.
Task 3
Look at the blackboard and compare your notes to the descriptive adjectives from the video.
Wry sense of humor – искаженное чувство юмора
Abhorrent (food) – отвратительная (еда)
Fair – справедливый
Nice – милый
Witty- остроумный
Reserved – сдержанный
Family-orientated – ориентированный на семью
Aristocratic – аристократичный
Homey – домашний
Stiff- жесткий
Formal – формальный
Nation of shopkeepers – нация лавочников
Cold – холодный
Starched - накрахмаленный
Less open – менее открытый
Pompous – напыщенный
Stringent – строгий
Prejudiced - предвзятый
Stuffy – скучный, старомодный
Awful – ужасный
Work in pairs. Fill in the table, comparing British and Russian character. Make conclusions. Discuss your conclusions with other pairs.
Typical British features of character
Typical Russian
features of character
Task 5
Creativity task!
Divide in 3 groups and try to reconstruct the poem as fast as you can.
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